Sundowner Studio – About Our Company
We take this opportunity to thank you for your continued loyalty as one of our valued customers. And if you’re simply browsing through the host of good quality professional photographers in South Africa or the world, in search for a new high quality service provider, we thank you for visiting this site. We realize that it is difficult to choose the right type of photographer, and when you do, it is best to hang on to them through thick and thin. So please do not hesitate to contact Robert should you be searching for a quality photographer and photographic studio with all the affiliated services.
Services Offered
Sundowner Studio has an extensive range of services. These practices have been honed and perfected over the 15 years we have been in business. For example, a feather in the cap was the recent project photography, DTP and printing a 3000 picture catalogue. This was an 18 month project, and the complete project was valued in excess of R10 million. Having used the catalogue as an example, we wish not to scare away the day to day bread and butter work which we are exceptionally good at (modelling portfolios, pack work and the like). We have a full range of facilities to produce photographic, fine art and canvases prints.
We are a very versatile company and have the ability to deal with the individual client, to the corporate client. Our principal photographer, Robert Russell, is recognized around the world as one of the leading concert and event photographers. He has traveled to some of the most interesting continents on assignment to cover these disciplines. Back in the studio in South Africa, it is all about advertising, commercial, fashion, fine art, concerts and events. However if Robert gets his way we would never find him, as he would be at some waterhole somewhere in Africa photographing wildlife, or in some studio shooting fine art.
So, in conclusion, we are able to take a project from conceptualization to completion, whether it is only photographic or a high end project involving design photography, publishing and printing.
Robert & the History of Sundowner Studio
Robert Russell is an Industrial Engineer, with a few other tertiary qualifications. In 1995 he took a sabbatical from the engineering and manufacturing world to work at a local church. During this time he met a fellow by the name of Gordon Simmons, who introduced him to photography. Robert instantly fell in love with this art form, and by 1996 had a thriving part-time business. Sundowner Studio was born in 1998 out of the necessity to have a registered company with a bank account to do business. Sundowner studio’s name is actually derived from the colonial expression of having a sundowners whilst sitting on the porch watching the sun set. The business grew from strength to strength until the year 2002, when Robert became a full-time professional photographer. It wasn’t until 2003 when Robert started traveling the world as a concert and event photographer. All the time whilst back in the studio he practiced the other disciplines that we offer.
Due to the amount of work we do in the fashion industry Robert has been requested to do a little talent scouting, his keen eye for beauty and female topography, was born out of his co-owning a modeling agency in the late 90s.
Robert is insistent that we at Sundowner Studio are continually involved with good works and fund-raising efforts. One of his favourite statements is ‘ you cannot reap where you don’t sow ‘. And no matter how much time he gives away we always manage to succeed and prosper.